The Noble Truth of Suffering : 8. Resentment
The Buddha characterized this form of suffering as that which makes us aggressively sensitive about a particular thing
The Noble Truth of Suffering :12. Disappointment
The Buddha divided this category of suffering into two parts material disappointment and abstract disappointment
Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press
Two Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press.
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 6. Lamentation [parideva dukkha]
The Buddha characterized this form of suffering as that which produces tears of anguish whenever we are unable to give up our attachment to something
The Ceremony of Enshrining the Crystal Wheel
The Ceremony of Enshrining the Crystal Wheel. In order to pay homage to Phramonkolthepmuni and the New Year Celebration
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 7. Pain [dukkha dukkha]
The Buddha characterized this sort of suffering as that which makes the mind depressed and dejected
The Noble Truth of Suffering Every living being is a victim of suffering
The Lord Buddha explained the nature of suffering in detail. The Pali word for ‘suffering’ is ‘dukkha’
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 5. Sorrow [soka dukkha]
The Buddha characterized the suffering of sorrow as afflicting one with burning in the heart as if the mind has list all refreshedness
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th Generation
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th generation
The Noble Truth of Suffering :10. Exposure to hateful things
The Buddha characterized this form of suffering as the sort of cloudedness of mind, grief and melancholy which result from cloudedness of mind